Akiko Osaka testimonials

Akiko Osaka
License: 10301220674
Fax: 212.252.9347

★MEDIA (メディア出演)★

Nov 1st , 2017 - NHK International Report "America Now ~ Economy with President Trump ~"

NHK「国際報道2017 〜トランプ選挙勝利から1年現在のアメリカ〜」

★テレビ朝日「Super J Channel」

2021年10月27日放送「眞子さんと小室さんNY生活は? 意外なハードルも...」





アメリカではケーブルテレビ、電気、ガスの利用開始などで思ったより電話でのやりとりが多く不安でしたが、親切にサポートして下さり大変助かりました。日本人が少ないエリアでしたが、メンテナンスがしっかりしている物件を紹介していただいたことで、水漏れや暖房器具の不具合などもすぐに対応してもらえ快適に過ごすことが出来ました。2年と数ヶ月のNY暮らしでしたが、大坂さんのおかげで本当に家族みんなで楽しく安心して住むことが出来ました。子供達は6月~9月頭まで毎日のようにプールに行きましたし、今も連絡をとりあうような友達も出来ました。研究の方も、当初は1本の論文を書く、というのを最低条件に掲げておりましたが、結局6本ほど書くに至り実りある留学でした。妻も子供も非常にアメリカでの生活を気に入って、私も含め「戻りたい」と常々話しています。家探しの最初のステップでつまづかなかったのは、間違いなく大坂さんのおかげです。本当にありがとうございました。 -T.S. (Doctor/医学研究員)

-Y. N. (Expatriate, Corporation/駐在員)

”急な短期のニューヨーク滞在において、住居を決めるのに戸惑っていた折、とてもいい物件を迅速にご提案いただけました。おかげさまで約半年間の滞在はとてもいいものになりました。またフラットのオーナーとの交流もあり、また次回があればお願いすると思います。” Mikio, H. (Photographer/写真家)

"Feel free to inform her of your requests on residence, commercial space and future properties (your budget, must items and waht items with priority ranking) and she will give you some good candidates.
She is not a magician but a professional licensed real estate agent whom you can rely on. ーKochy, S. (Corporate Executive/駐在・役員)

"Akiko is the best Real Estate agent as far as I know. Enough knowledges and experiences in the RE market are essential, but... I would like to let you know this story when I was in a lot of trouble after using my humidifier wrongly on the wooden flooring in my bed room. As you know It is so stiff, however too weak against water leaking from humidifier caused a terrible bulge. A handy man in my condo had offered me unreasonable high price and charge as his cost.

On the other hand, Akiko could manage everything so quickly and perfectly.
She was so smart and intelligent. I believe You can also feel more than enough OMOTENASI spirit from her truly devoted work."ーYoshida, M.(Corporate Executive/駐在・役員)

”She was very kind. I did not know about real estate, but she tell me in detail. She also informed some tips.

When I was in trouble in moving other house, she explained about my situation to a proprietary company.
Thanks to her, I was able to have a nice experience, and had a effortless life in NY... because of Akiko. "
Ikkei, H. Corporate Executive/駐在・役員)

”After interviewing 5 agents, I have decided to ask her to list my apartment and she found tenants in 1 week! Though many candidates tried to apply (luckily), she advertised it and found new tenants. Thank you for your support always."
Gary, w. (Corporate Executive)

"I was referred by a friend of mine who used many agents in the city. My friend found a flat in Midtown East and she is so happy to get a such a great deal. Its not easy to find a place where the landlord accept pets -- she has 2. I also have a pet and so reached out to Akiko. She helped me finding an apt, took more than 2 weeks.... she did not give up and I truly appreciate it. " ーMing, S. (Architect/建築士)

"She found an apartment for me and my roommate in 2012, and we are happy with her work ever since. She has been still working for us even after we extended the lease!
I referred some of my friends and they are pretty happy with her work too! She fought with my landlord because the landlord was withholding the deposit for more than 6 months for unreasonable reasons.
She does things that other brokers do not want to do, and I think its rare to find these quality broker nowadays...
Very generous, hard working broker. I would like to recommend her if you are thinking to buy a property in NY. "
Michelle, K from Fisher, NY (School teacher/教員)

" was looking for a corporate housing, however, my budget was as low as the inventory. But she found me an awesome apartment that was not even on the market and I am pretty happy that she also gave ma a wonderful deal.

For those who are looking for something special -- like tired of researching no fee apartments that seem to be more pricey than the coops or condos that have broker fees -- there ARE apartments if you find a right person to ask for."

Ashley, M. (Entrepreneur/自営業)

"She found a great house for me and my roomie! At that time was on november and that season is the worse time to find a great housing. But she did it! I'm so appreciated about her great job. Also I'm not native speaker of English but she explained me an easy way to understand well. It was so valuable experience to meet her. "
Laura, C. (Student/学生)